Mail Order Payment Tracking (McKesson)


The mscripts payment functionality will enable patients to review and update credit card information for mail order refill requests. A new Account user interface allows web users to access this information directly as part of their normal refill process.

How it works

Refill Requests

Patients can view all of their current prescriptions from their prescriptions list and order refills.


In addition to existing pickup preferences, the patient will be shown payment options and corresponding shipping address information for mail order.


Account Details

If a patient chooses to edit their payment or address information during their refill request, they will be redirected to their Account details page. The new Account details page will contain clickable tabs on the left pane for the patient to quickly navigate their account settings. The patient can also go to the Account details page at any time to update their information.


Add Credit Card

When a patient clicks "add a card", it will display an iframe of the clients payment portal. Once the credit card information is input, the credit card will be shown in payment options under account details.


Add Credit Card Design Options

mscripts supports two workflow designs for “adding” a credit card. In both cases it requires a customer or payment provider hosted webpage that can be shown within an iframe in mscripts. Patients will use this webpage to input their credit card information.

Option 1

The customer or payment provider hosted webpage can pass the token directly to McKesson to add the credit card outside of mscripts.

  1. When the patient clicks “Add a card”, mscripts can either open the customer hosted webpage within an iframe or re-direct to the webpage in a new browser tab.  
  2. Once the patient enters their credit card information and submits the page, the customer or payment provider will pass the token directly to McKesson outside of mscripts to add the card to McKesson EnterpriseRx.


  • The hosted webpage can be embedded within mscripts without security restrictions. i.e., “x-frame-options” have not restricted the page from displaying within an iframe. 
  • Customer or payment provider will pass the credit card token directly to McKesson outside of mscripts’ application. 

This is a preferred approach is it requires less “touch points” to pass the credit card token information. An external API with a customer or payment provider also would not be needed and provides more control to the customer to pass the token to McKesson. 

Option 2

In this design, the customer will pass the token back to mscripts and mscripts will relay the token to McKesson.

  1. When the patient clicks “Add a card”, mscripts will call a customer or payment provider exposed API (e.g., getTransactionToken) which provides an acessToken and returns it back to mscripts front end (ex: 68fe962a-162b-48d9-baf0-4786d6ee68b0&sf).  
  2. Using the token, mscripts front-end creates a URL which is then opened in an iframe. 
  3. The patient enters the credit card details on the page and hits submit. The customer webpage does a redirect to mscripts with a token, and this token is then used to hit a McKesson token API to add the credit card details. 


  • Customer has an exposable API that can provide the “accessToken”.
  • Customer can pass the token back to mscripts to add to McKesson EnterpriseRx.
  • The hosted web page can be embedded within mscripts without security restrictions. i.e., “x-frame-options” have not restricted the page from displaying within an iframe. 

Edit Credit Card

Clicking "Edit" next to an existing card will provide the patient with additional fields to update their information.


API Information

  • getCreditCard
  • addCreditCard
  • updateCreditCard
  • removeCreditCard
  • getTransactionToken


To allow mscripts to obtain all the information it would need to configure the system correctly, please provide the details requested below to your Implementation Manager.

  • Design choice for "Add a card". The two options can be found in the Add Credit Card section of "How it works".
  • URL for customer or payment provider hosted webpage for adding a credit card.

System requirements

  • mscripts version 7.3.3 and above.
  • McKesson PCS module installed.
  • Payment functionality will only be implemented during mail order refill requests. Current functionality is not available for In-store delivery options.
  • mscripts will provide options to make changes to expiration date and billing address. The changes will update the McKesson credit card record.
  • To add a card, the patient is redirected to a client provided credit card page.
  • Client provided credit card page should be displayable within an iframe.

Module availability

PDX Classic PDX EPS PDX EOPN McKesson Non-PCS McKesson PCS QS1
NA NA NA NA Available NA


Text messaging NA
Mobile app NA
Web Pharmacy Available

Communication methods

Text messaging NA
Email NA
Push notifications NA